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10. Beves, Jonathon E.; Blight, Barry A.; Leigh, David A.*; McBurney, Roy T. “Strategies and Tactics for the Metal-Directed Synthesis of Rotaxanes, Knots, Catenanes, and Higher Order Links.” Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2011, 50(40), 9260-9327.
9. Blight, Barry A.; Hunter, Christopher, A.; Leigh, David A.*; McNab, Hamish*; Thomson, Patrick I. T. “An AAAA-DDDD Quadruple Hydrogen Bond Array.” Nature Chemistry, 2011, 3(3), 246-250.
DOI: 10.1038/nchem.987
*For a Highlight of this paper see: News & Views “Attractive Arrays”, A. J. Wilson, Nature Chemistry, 2011, 3(3),
8. Blight, Barry A.; Camara-Campos, Amaya; Djurdjevic, Smilja; Kaller, Martin; Leigh, David A.*; McMillan, Fiona M; McNab, Hamish.* “AAA-DDD Hydrogen Bonded Complexes.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(39), 14116-14122.
7. Blight, Barry A.; Wisner, James A.*; Jennings, Michael C. “Stability of [2]Pseudorotaxanes Templated Through Second-Sphere Coordination.” Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48(5), 1920-1927.
6. Blight, Barry A.; Wisner, James A.*; Jennings, Michael C. “Formation of a [2]Rotaxane and [2]Catenane Based on PdBr2L2 as a Template.” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 87(1), 205-211.